Exams are one of the most difficult things for students to deal with. After all, these tests have a huge impact on your life and future career prospects. Exam Wishes is here to help you get good marks in your board exams!

A good luck hug is all I wanna give you today. Your preparation will overshadow your luck. Do Good!

  1. If you believe in yourself, you do not have to fear any challenge. I wish you all the success for your exam!
  2. Hard work always pays in life. You can reach every aim you want. I wish you all the best for this hard work.
  3. Dear best friend, I know nothing can make you down. Nothing can damage your confidence. Best wishes for your exam!
  4. You don’t need good luck if you are confident about your preparation. Don’t be nervous. I truly believe in your hard work and determination. All the best, son.
  5. Sister, I know you are the best. Don’t feel nervous. Be confident and keep calm. You can do it. Best of luck for your exam!
  6. May all your hard works before the exam be rewarded with the best? May you obtain the highest marks and your success be continued.
  7. You prepared well, you know it all right, just relax over the night. You just need a little rest. Best of luck for exam!
  8. Luck is a funny thing because sometimes it can be good and sometimes bad. So take matters into your own hand, study hard and stop relying on something so fickle. All the best.
  9. Good luck for you exam even I used to get scared before the exams but you know what I always topped and so will you. Best wishes for exams and hoping to see you acing the class.
  10. Wishing you all the very best and luck for your exam. Give your 100% percent and god will shower his blessings.
  11. Remember one thing exams are always going to happen you are either going to pass or fail but that one sheet won’t decide your future. Good Luck!
  12. Why do people celebrate only success, why don’t you start by celebrating your failures and then good lucks won’t be needed anymore, anyway good luck!
  13. Good luck for your exam, give you best shot and don’t worry about the result because knowledge wins over marks. Best luck!
  14. When you have confidence in yourself, nothing can stop you or obstruct your way. Best of luck for your exams.
  15. Arm yourself with the can-do spirit and you shall pass this examination in grand style. I am absolutely certain of that! Good luck.
  16. You have prepared very well for this examination so I’m 100% confident you will pass it and pass it very well. Good luck, dear friend.
  17. So it’s exam day today! Warm up your brain and show the world how exceptionally wonderful you are. Wishing you the best of luck!
  18. Wishing you an ocean of good luck and success in your upcoming exams. May good luck follow you throughout the exams? I know great success shall be yours at the end of the day.
  19. I wish you a universe of luck as you begin your final exams today. Never stop having faith in your abilities, son.
  20. Son, since the beginning of time, luck has always favored the man who gives life his best shot. Put in your very best in this exam and luck will favor you beyond your wildest imagination. All the best.

Exam Wishes Messages:

  1. Wishing you all the best for your exams. Pass your exams with flying colors and make all of us proud.
  2. You have always been the best student in your class, and surely you would once again prove your mettle. All the best!
  3. Wishing you all the success in your exams. May you succeed in your exams and whatever you do thereafter?
  4. You are a champ! Don’t worry about your exam marks. Do well and you will surely have the best result.
  5. History, Math, Physics, Biology and English, don’t let these subjects overpower you. Pick your pen and give it a kick.
  6. Math will not scare you anymore, I have slapped it hard. You prepare for the exam and give your best shot.
  7. I know you are good at studies, still sending you all positive wishes that you have a wonderful examination days.
  8. Have wonderful examination days. Hope you score the best grades in all the subjects. All my wishes are there for you.
  9. You prepared well, you know it all right, just relax over the night. You just need a little rest. Best of luck for exam!
  10. One sheet does not decide your future. Be confident and try your best. Best of luck for exam!

Exam Wishes Sinhala:

  1. Luck is a funny thing because sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be bad. So take matters in your own hand, study hard and stop relying on something so fickle. All the best.
  2. Exams are the perfect occasions for showcasing your talent and determination. May the blessings of god be with you during the exams?
  3. If you believe in yourself you do not have to fear any challenge. I wish you all the success for your exam!
  4. I am not going to wish you good luck. Awesome students like you never need luck to be by their sides – they create their own destiny. Go for it.
  5. Instead of stressing out and jinxing yourself for the worst, just focus of studying hard and beating everyone to come first. Good luck.
  6. God does not make the hills you have got to climb any smaller but god can make the climbing easier. Therefore I believe you will manage these tasks with the help of god!
  7. Now is the time to show your teachers and friends that you are no less than a genius. My prayers are always with you. Good luck!
  8. You have learned so many new things in school. It’s time to show them practically. Have a great exam tomorrow! Good luck from me!
  9. Good Luck comes to you as your hand is full of commitment and courage along with good qualities. Best wishes for your exam, Good Luck!
  10. Better grades can get you a better job, better car, and a better life. Exams are worth the trouble after all. Good luck.

Exam Wishes for Lover:

  1. I have never had a reason to doubt your intelligence so, you shouldn’t too. You are a lovely and intelligent lady, and you will do well in your exams. Love you.
  2. I know you have focus, ability, patience, and stability. Your personality has these beautiful virtues. I wish you luck with your examination.
  3. Do not be afraid because success is waiting for you on the other side. Good luck to you, my best friend.
  4. The late night studying will be over in just a matter of time. I wish you success, and good luck to you, my adorable friend.
  5. My dearest friend, I just want to remind you that success will be yours in your exams. Don’t panic. Good luck!
  6. Don’t give up and don’t lose focus. You will succeed in your exams. Good luck to you, my good friend.
  7. I pray that you will pass all your exams with distinction. Good luck to you, my beautiful friend.
  8. All you need is to trust and believe in yourself, and success is certain. Good luck, my good friend.
  9. May God grant you retentive memory as you go into the examination hall? Good luck, my sweet friend.
  10. I will be here waiting to hear the good news. I wish you all the best today and always. Good luck to you, my dearest friend.

Exam Success Wishes and Prayers:

  1. This exam is not different from others you’ve written before. So there’s no need to be on edge. You have studied hard and well. Go in there and do your very best. Nothing but excellent success is yours.
  2. My prayer for you as you write this exam is that you come out in all the flying colors of success. May the efforts you have put in shine radiantly. I wish you the very best.
  3. Success is not accidental. It comes to the prepared. As you write this exam, may your preparation meet with good success? I wish you the best.
  4. I bind every spirit of forgetfulness and confusion in your life. May you be blessed with a sound mind? May all the right answers come to you readily? My very best wishes in your exams.
  5. You will come out of the exam hall smiling because you will have the right answers to every question. May shinning success be your rich reward? All the very best.
  6. I believe in you. Your abilities have never been in doubt. Go show them who is king. All the best.
  7. You’re an excellent stock and I know this exam is just a piece of cake for you. Go and do your best. Accept my warm wishes.
  8. Anything standing in the way of a moving train will be crushed. Impossibility is nothing. Go and achieve success.
  9. If you fail in the day of adversity, then your strength is small. Don’t buckle under the pressure of exams. Put in your best and leave the rest. All the best.
  10. You belong in the league of champions. There’s no stopping your shine. I wish you the very best in your coming exams.

Exam Wishes for Brother:

  1. Don’t fret, don’t shake, it’s only an exam. Give it your best shot and come out in flying colors. All the best for the exam.
  2. You are so intelligent that you have all answers to all life challenges. Best wishes in all you do. Best of luck for your exam.
  3. These exams are your opportunity at proving your worth to everyone around you. Grab it and do your best, don’t let it pass through. Good luck.
  4. All you need is confidence, focus, and determination to succeed in this exam. I wish you all three. Good luck.
  5. May your efforts be decorated with all the colors of the rainbow? May this exam be an opportunity for you to shine? Best of luck for your exam.
  6. As you prepare for your exams, I pray for unlimited understanding of what you are reading and the questions that are going to be set before you.
  7. Writing exams isn’t easy for the most part, I pray for the strength to live through the stress that will come your way and for the power for maximum excellence.
  8. Everything is working for your good, as you write your exam I pray for an outstanding favor for you in the eyes of your lecturers.
  9. As you read, I pray for speedy understanding and the ability to recall, remember and apply every knowledge that you have gained.
  10. Your memory is blessed, whatever you have read shall be open book to you and you shall never go blank when answering questions.

Exam Wishes for Sister:

  1. Dear sister, they say little makes the difference, however, in this exam your success shall be profoundly different from the rest.
  2. My sister, your result shall speak well of your effort. You shall reap abundant success in this exam.
  3. Best Sis, as you write this exam you shall be qualified for the next level. Regression and stagnancy shall not be your portion.
  4. There shall be no limit to your success in this exam. You shall scream for joy at the end.
  5. You shall prepare for success, write for success and reap success in this exam, sis.
  6. Darling as you go for your exams I wish you one thing excellence beyond measures
  7. Because you have the mind of Christ you know all things Go and write down as in your exams
  8. In this exam may you shine more than your contemporaries May your efforts be colored All the best
  9. You are a covenant of success always remember that you can’t be less Never Excellent results await you

10 I wish you have a blast in your exams because your more than capable keep making me proud always Sweet

Exam Wishes for Girlfriend:

  1. In life, we always pass through tests and thank God for victory in Him. Go in the spirit of excellence in you and stand out in your exams.
  2. You’re beautiful and amazing, smart and lovely. More than these, you are intelligent and brainy, the more reason I chose you over the rest. Do exploits in your exams, my love.
  3. Because you have the mind of Christ, you know all things! Go and write down A’s in your exams.
  4. More wisdom, knowledge and understanding are my prayers for you now and always my love. I wish you the best only in your exams.
  5. Jesus Christ increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Go in this light and excel in your exams.
  6. As you prepare, you read with direction and you have a divine understanding. Grace and favor are my wishes for you my love.
  7. I wish you success and excellence as you begin your final exams Enjoy Gods favor and mercy like n